We are in a candidate-driven employment market. Candidates often have the choice between several offers. In order to decide between them, several criteria are taken into account.

Here are 10 points that will differentiate one company from another in a candidate’s eyes.

  1. Location: The location of the company is an important factor for candidates. A company located close to their homes might be more interesting than those located at greater distances.
  2. Salary: Salaries offered by companies tend to vary. Candidates are often looking for higher salaries and opportunities for salary growth.
  3. Company culture: This directly influences an employee’s well-being and productivity. Companies that foster a positive work environment are more attractive to candidates.
  4. Career opportunities: Candidates are looking for promotion and professional growth opportunities. Companies that offer such opportunities are more likely to attract candidates’ attention.
  5. Benefits: Companies that offer benefits such as paid time off, bonuses and tax refunds are more likely to attract candidates.
  6. Employee Flexibility: Companies offering flexibility to their employees (in terms of homeworking, time off, scheduling, package optimization,…), are more likely to have new candidates joining them.
  7. Technology: Candidates might appreciate companies that are investing in information and communication technologies.
  8. Work environment: Companies that provide a work environment that supports innovation and collaboration are more likely to attract candidates.
  9. Work-life balance: Promoting a good work-life balance is often highly appreciated by candidates.
  10. Training and Development: Companies that provide training and development opportunities tend to attract more candidates.

To sum up, companies can be differentiated by the benefits and working conditions they can offer to candidates. If you make an offer to a candidate, keep these criteria in mind when making a proposal